Celebrating the Class of 2025!

Ticket sales for the Chico High Sober Grad Night open on Friday, December 13.


Friday, June 6 - Sober Grad Night Snapshot

Chico High Safe and Sober Grad Night is a Volunteer Group of Parents and Community Members who work to provide a safe place for Graduating Seniors to gather and celebrate on Graduation Night.

Statistics show that the percentage of alcohol related automobile accidents spikes on Graduation Night. By providing a FUN and inclusive place for kids to celebrate, we hope to minimize the number of kids at risk for unsafe behavior on Grad Night!  The night will include Entertainment, Music, Movies, Food and PRIZES!

Please help us raise the much-needed funds to host this fun event in honor of our Seniors by donating an item for our auction or a tax-deductible cash donation.

Thank you! 

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